Friday 2 December 2016

Day 76, Post-Op BC CBC Food Bank Blues: Friday, December 2nd!

The question is whether or not you choose to disturb the world around you, or if you choose to let it go on as if you had never arrived. -Ann Patchett, writer (b. 2 Dec 1963)
Photo: Glass Angel
Good Morning Dear Patrick and Lady Dar: Just a quick response to say....

..WE ARE BACK. It was a most glorious hiking and sight-seeing adventure.  Much more later. The weather really co-operated. Only unfortunate incident was when we were back in Buenos Aires the last few days. Lady Von Bingen got robbed of all her money at the local market. Luckily I was travelling with good friends who rescued me from my money situation.

I was luckier than another couple in our group, who's whole backpack was stolen.  And were robbed of all, credit cards, jackets, passport. Lots of catching up to do around the the next few days Patrick, so will continue in more detail in a few days.  And hopefully will have a few pictures to send along by then. Cheereo & Lots of Hugs from Down South.. Hildi

Hi Lady Von Bingen! Pleased that you are home safely but very sorry to learn that you were robbed! As you mention, could have been far worse! However, doubly delighted that you are now Lady Von Bingen, although Lady Dar will not be amused, I 'm sure!

Not sure what weather is like, down south, but snowflakes are falling here this morning, to the great consternation of Etta and Duke! Exciting but chilly on tiny paws! Miss Etta is sitting on the stool beside me, riveted on the flakes outside. Reminds me of the first snow I experienced, in Rivers, Manitoba, when Mom and I lived with her parents for about six months while waiting for housing in Elliot Lake, a uranium mining community in Northern Ontario. My dog, Tag, and I raced around the yard, kicking the snowbanks!

Hope you'll be able to make our Open House. You can stay over if you are worried about driving back, all the way down south! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Etta and Duke experience their first snowflakes!

Patrick and Corinne, Thank you for a fun evening of bridge in Wednesday. Pam
Hi Pamela! Thanks again for the simply fabulous wine! As you can see, have included the information on cask futures from Dubh Glas. I can chat with Bill, on Sunday, about any other questions he might have, if he is interested. (Individual share goes for $208 for a total of 4 bottles, aged for 3.5 years, at 62.5%) 
[Seasons Greetings To Our Friends! We are just finishing off our last fermentaion here at the winery and wanted to take a moment to wish a Seasons Greeting to all our wine loving friends!]

As well, with snowflakes swirling, I am wondering if there is any more scrap lumber that you need hauled away. Not a big deal but if there is some, I'm happy to collect it. Must way as I'm charged with phoning Icelandair to inquire about stopovers there. Lady Dar left for Penticton General Hospital this morning, to be there by 8:00 am, to start her first volunteer shift on Info Desk. Fondestos to you, from The Mistress of The Cat Emporium, in absentia! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Aurora: So whadda' ya think? She plays Vancouver tomorrow night. Tickets are $20:

Hi Music Man! I'm so far out of the current music loop that I might as well be orbiting Pluto! At any rate, I thoroughly enjoyed her voice, dancing and back-up musicians, something I usually cannot say about any Talk Show acts or Oscar song performances, that I might happen to accidentally catch, saying to myself who cares about this and why? I'd probably make the effort to take in Aurora if we were still in Vancouver. However, snowflakes are falling here this morning, (To the great consternation of Etta and Duke!), so I imagine the highway passes will be well nigh impassable, even with our snow tires. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Hello Again Patrick: What adorable cats. My cat RIFEL is staying close today. She was sooooooo happy to see me. And.......she does not like snow either. When is your OPEN HOUSE........would love to come. Let me know what I can bring along.....besides a bottle of wine that is. Still puttering around the house and unpacking. A trip to the bank after lunch, and then a visit with Son number 1.  He lives close to Vincor Winery. Cheereo Hello Again Patrizzio: I'm still ploughing my way through all my emails.  And there are a ton of them. Mostly unimportant ones The cats are soooooo adorable. I will find a picture of Rifel and send it along. How is that hip coming along. Are you at the hiking stage yet........or much more physio needed Hope all will be well soon. I'm sure you're itching to get on that bike of yours by spring time. Wishing you both a wonderful and relaxing week-end. Lots of Hugs from Hildi 

Hi again, Lady Von Bingen! I can sympathize with your re-entry! Felt much the same way last December when we returned from six weeks in India! Delighted that you would like to attend our Open House. Thanks for offering to contribute. Very generous, indeed, If you have a favourite appetizer or a dessert,, either would be much appreciated but really not necessary.

My hip rehab is progressing extremely well, thanks. However, I don't want to risk anything, with respect to a fall, so I won't be snowshoeing or then hiking, until it is reasonably dry, this coming spring. Again, don't want to risk slipping, etc. Feel strong enough to go on some reasonable hikes now but think caution is better part of valour at this point. However, that being said, we are off to Tinsel Town for Christmas and the three month ban on riding a free-standing bike is over on December 14th so I will take my bike to LA. 

Most people don't think of this place is a city where one can ride but this is certainly not true. I love riding there as many great biking paths/lanes are to be found. In particular, one along beach which stretches from Will Rogers State Beach, at the intersection of Topanga Canyon and Pacific Coast Highway all the way south, past Venice Beach, Marina del Rey, LAX to San Clemente, where I usually have a drink with Nixon's ghost at La Casa Pacifica. For my part, I've only ridden a bit beyond the airport but it is a glorious cycle. Bit back from water but still a delight with sand and waves crashing.

Don't try to do too much, too quickly. Spend time with Rifel and you'll unwind a lot more quickly and comfortably! Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Hello Hello: A barage of emails from Hildi today. I will make a short stop for the open house just before 5:00...and have one glass of cheer with you. I have just accepted an invitation for a Retirement Party of some of my former co-workers (the good Nurses) at the Days Inn in Penticton. See you then. Hugs..........

Hi Barrage Woman! Great. Open House is a drop-in so perfect for busy people such as yourself! Cheers, Patrizzio! See you next Saturday.

Hello busy bees, We came home late last night and are recovering from our marathon flight, and many long hikes, not to forget drinking all those bottles of nice wines. Hope we can catch up later next week and share some stories. Cheers to the busy bees. Jos
Hi Kids! I usually don't pass along this sort of stuff BUT found this this really took the mickey out of some of so many West Coast stereotypes! Must away as my soy latte is cooling off! Cheers, Patrizzio:

Breaking News from Canada The flood of Trump-fearing American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified beginning early this morning. Trumps victory is prompting an exodus among left-leaning Americans who fear they'll soon be required to hunt, pray, pay taxes, and live according to the Constitution.

Canadian border residents say it's not uncommon to see dozens of sociology professors, liberal arts majors, global-warming activists, and "green" energy proponents crossing their fields at night.

"I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood
producer huddled in the barn," said southern Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose acreage borders North Dakota.  "He was cold, exhausted and hungry, and begged me for a latte and some free-range chicken.

In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higher fences, but the liberals scaled them. He then installed loudspeakers that blared Rush Limbaugh across the fields, but they just stuck their fingers in their ears and kept coming. Officials are particularlyconcerned about smugglers who meet liberals just south of the border,pack them into electric cars, and drive them across the border, where they are simply left to fend for themselves after the battery dies.

"A lot of these people are not prepared for our rugged conditions," an Alberta border patrolman said. "I found one carload without a single bottle of Perrier water, or any gemelli with shrimp and arugula. Allthey had was a little Napa Valley cabernet and some kale chips. When liberals are caught, they're sent back across the border, oftenwailing that they fear persecution from Trump high-hairers.

Rumors are circulating about plans being made to build re-education camps where liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer, study the Constitution, and find jobs that actually contribute to the economy.

Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal immigrants are creating an organic-broccoli shortage, are buying up all the Barbara Streisand CD's, and are overloading the internet while downloading jazzercise apps to their cell phones.

"I really feel sorry for American liberals, but the Canadian economy just can't support them," an Ottawa resident said.  "After all, how many art-history majors does one country need?"

Hi Trumpster Grumpster! You are just worried as nobody will need to travel to the US, Mexico or the Middle East anymore. Or else clinically depressed by the non-stop rain!

At the moment the kittens are having their afternoon nap but earlier they were anything but bored. Snowflakes were falling this morning, to the great consternation of Etta and Duke! Exciting but chilly on tiny paws! Reminded me of the first snowfall I experienced, in 1957, back from Cyprus, in Rivers, Manitoba, when Mom and I lived with her parents for about six months while waiting for housing in Elliot Lake, a uranium mining community in Northern Ontario. My dog, Tag, and I raced around the yard, kicking the powder snowbanks!

Must way as I'm charged with phoning Icelandair to inquire about stopovers there. Apparently we must fly through Toronto to qualify for a free stopover at time we plan to leave, mid-March. Lady Dar left for Penticton General Hospital this morning, to be there by 8:00 am, to start her first volunteer shift on Info Desk.  Fondestos to you, Mr Politically Dyspeptic, from The Mistress of The Cat Emporium, in absentia! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Etta and Duke experience their first snowflakes!
Your points re: our business possibly failing are well taken. However, it’s more about our beaming personality that keeps us in business. Besides, most of our clients are thinking about new destinations, experiences, e.g. North Pole, South Pole, Sahara desert, top of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Siberia, Kawabanga, etc.

At least I have something to keep me busy until wine time  today (and most days), especially with the torrential rains we have had today. Susan’s brother, Norm, arriving any moment from the Big Smoke with his lovely daughter, Beckie. We only have Beckie for 2 nights and then she is shipped off to Aunt Nancy & David for the final 3 nights.
Very funny. All looks good with decisions on whiskey futures. Did Baldrick ever contact you, if not I can give him a nudge. Absolutely miserable weather here, only 4 days without rain in November, golf courses waterlogged. Cheers Mick
Hi Mick! Lady Dar complained about the terrible weather when she was in Vancouver, this past weekend! If you could give "Can you hear me now" Baldrick, I'd appreciate it as he's not been in touch, regarding malt offering. Have eight "investors" lined up so far and think I might have a few more by the end of weekend so it would be helpful to know what Sir Andrew thinks. Do you think Ricardo might be interested? Cheers, Patrizzio!

Thanks again Patrick. I will bring something to share for sure. It always makes party more interesting and fun when everyone helps a bit.See you soon. Judi.
If your cats are bored I could always bring over my little chihuahua. :) Hi Judi!
Thanks again for contribution. In general, we really enjoy having pot-luck gatherings with friends and family. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Never mind- the front page (and article) of the Vancouver Sun today is about all the Mexican refugees planning to move to the Province because of the Trump era and changes to immigration allowing them to come to Canada without visas! NO KIDDING

I say we build the wall here (and pay for it!) and keep the Americans AND the Mexicans out of our country. It could be very cost neutral/effective. Besides all the Syrians are now going on welfare here. Have a nice weekend. Signed – A Trump believer Hi Trumpster Grumpster! You are just worried as nobody will need to travel to the US, Mexico or the Middle East anymore. Or else clinically depressed by the non-stop rain! Fondestos to you, Mr Politically Dyspeptic! Cheers, Patrizzio!
And yesterday it was made official: James "Mad Dog" Mattis will be the new Defense Secretary. Stanley Kubrick would certainly not have thought it worth the while to invent Dr. Strangelove, had he lived to see this.Hi Gävle Goat Man! I heard an interview on CBC's AIH about the circumstances surrounding the sculpture's recent torching. Has the DNA, presumably from a hat left at the scene, resulted in an arrest? Couldn't agree more about Mad Dogs and Americans! However, above just in from a friend in Vancouver. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Judi! Thanks again for contribution. In general, we really enjoy having pot-luck gatherings with friends and family.

At the moment the kittens are having their afternoon nap but earlier they were anything but bored. Snowflakes were falling this morning, to the great consternation of Etta and Duke!
Exciting but chilly on tiny paws! Reminded me of the first snowfall I experienced, in 1957, back from Cyprus, in Rivers, Manitoba, when Mom and I lived with her parents for about six months while waiting for housing in Elliot Lake, a uranium mining community in Northern Ontario. My dog, Tag, and I raced around the yard, kicking the powder snowbanks!

Must way as I'm charged with phoning Icelandair to inquire about stopovers there. Apparently we must fly through Toronto to qualify for a free stopover at time we plan to leave, mid-March. Lady Dar left for Penticton General Hospital this morning, to be there by 8:00 am, to start her first volunteer shift on Info Desk.  Fondestos to you, from The Mistress of The Cat Emporium, in absentia! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Etta and Duke experience their first snowflakes! That sounds like a great story.
I found you to be very entertaining and look forward to meeting you again. Funny I made the joke you had to have a sense of humour to sit with us. Tale care. Judi.

Young Patrick, I trust that you have now completed all your chores, rewarded yourself with several single malts, and are happy with the world. If the big boss is back, poor Etta and Duke will be able to take a break and attend to their thoughts and dreams of Santa on his way.
I had good news at the specialists office today. Although they can not say 100% that there is no lung cancer.. he is a lot more convinced than he was 3 months ago. After 2 CAT scans, biopsy and the camera in the lung he says there is no indication that there is cancer. The emphysema is a mild case.. now appears that maybe diverticulitis is raising it's head. I had a very painful night last night and a few today.. it didn't seem to concern him too much.... Is there ever a point when all is really OK???
We missed all the snow in Saint John, even though 10 miles away got hit. The bay of Fundy helps us stay cool in the summer, and protects us from some of the winter... note I said "some" . I have secured my spot to park my car on stormy days and thus avoiding plows and tickets... so I guess we are ready to go. Have a great time in LA and I hope Santa finds you all and is generous. Cheers... Bill


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